Only 30 days left–Hot 100 update!

Okay, here goes another Hot 100 update! I can’t believe there is only 30 days left!

Here are my goals for Steve’s  “Hot 100-Going Out with a Bang” challenge.

  1. Finish the C25K program–still working on it. Starting week 8! Getting there!! 🙂
  2. Run 5k twice per week (or more) once done the program–still working on program.
  3. Lose 10 lbs — starting weight 168 lbs–well, if my weight would co-operate! Lost 9 so far but, fluctuating up and down to between 5 and 9 lbs.


Each week I will set weekly goals that I will try to achieve for that week which will in the long term help me to reach my Hot 100 challenge goals. You can find each weeks new weekly goals on Mondays on the main page. Also, every 10 days there is a Hot 100 check in which we let everyone know how we are doing in the challenge so far.

To find out more about the “Hot 100–going out with a bang!” challenge (sign up deadline is closed), visit Steve at

Now for my weekly goal update. Sorry to not have it up yesterday. I was busy trying to get some Christmas shopping done.

My goals for last week were:

  1. drink 8 glasses of water daily.–I tried. I can’t seem to choke it down when the weather is cool. I wonder why my weight fluctuates?!! :0
  2. finish week 7 of C25K.–done! Starting week 8! Yikes!
  3. do at least 2 sessions of yoga.–amazingly did not have time to get it in. My body pratically screams for me to do some sessions now. Feels great!
  4. eat lots of veggies.–did pretty well here, even tried some leeks for the first time.
  5. loss 1 more lb to make it 10 lost total so far.–damn scale!

And for some personal goals not related to weight loss:

  1. update my web store with more products–some things. Takes quite a well to get it done. Need some Christmas gifts?
  2. start designing a web site that I am hoping to get up and going by spring–have an idea that I need to put more thought into. I have absolutely no creativity so the design part is  tough.
  3. come up with some ideas for my kids for Christmas!!!–found a couple of fun ideas. Will be spending way to much. Plus I love Josies idea of homemade coupons. My kids love stuff like that. Special mommy time and all.
So for this weeks goals, they will basically be the same with a few additions:

My goals for this week are:

  1. drink 8 glasses of water daily.
  2. finish week 8 of C25K.
  3. do at least 2 sessions of yoga.
  4. eat lots of veggies.
  5. loss 1 more lb to make it 10 lost total so far.
  6. get through the week and especially the weekend without any junk food!
  7. try a new vegetable or fruit.

And for some personal goals not related to weight loss:

  1. update my web store with more products
  2. start designing a site I want to get up by spring.
  3. finish my Christmas shopping
  4. put up my tree!

  1. December 1, 2009 at 7:04 pm

    I like your goals – both weight related and not. I have a hard time drinking enough in the winter. It’s just so hard to drink water when it’s cold. That’s when I usually switch to herbal tea!

    • December 2, 2009 at 3:16 pm

      I have switched to herbal tea also. My new favorite is pumpkin spice from Tim Hortons.

  2. December 1, 2009 at 7:45 pm

    Wow – you are doing fantastic on the challenge! Great job!

    I am a major hot beverage drinker in the winter to get in my fluids.

    • December 2, 2009 at 3:18 pm

      I don’t know why it is so difficult to get our water in when the weather is cool. Weird. I have grown accustomed to drinking warm water on occasion. Any way I can to get in my water!

  3. December 2, 2009 at 12:55 am

    Karyn, you’re doing so great! Good luck with that naughty one pound!

    In cold weather drinking cold water can be difficult for me, too. I’m quite happy, though, to drink boiled water with a teaspoon of vanilla essence in it. DELICIOUS! In fact, I can drink that in any season or time of day.

    All the best for this week, whoohoo, amazing that this year and the Hot 100 Challenge is speeding towards a SUPER end!

    • December 2, 2009 at 3:19 pm

      With vanilla?! Humm, I will have to give it a try.

  4. December 2, 2009 at 4:34 am

    you are doing great and I love and am INSPIRED by how you blog fitness and personal goals.
    life is about more than just fitness huh? 🙂

    • December 2, 2009 at 3:20 pm

      You bet! Especially with kids! LOL

  5. December 2, 2009 at 12:41 pm

    Wow, look at you! What a way to end the year with a bang! I’m glad you liked the coupon book idea, and I hope if you do it that your kids will love it. I thought I’d let you know also that I finally (!!!) started the C25K program…I wasn’t quite able to do it properly as I’m THAT out of shape, but am determined to keep pressing on. Thank you so much for suggesting it – your progress with it has majorly inspired me!

    • December 2, 2009 at 3:22 pm

      Josie, I know you can do it. Everyone has to start at their own pace, what they can handle and effectively manage. I am excited to hear you got started. You will have amazing results!

  6. December 2, 2009 at 2:25 pm

    I’ve only started seeing stuff about this Hot 100 thing since yesterday, where have I been? Dang…hehe…

    I like that you have fitness AND personal goals too. I’ve tried doing that but usually end up only succeeding w/ the fitness ones (I DID clean my room one week though, and its still somewhat presentable!)

    Good luck w/ all of your goals, and w/ c25k. I only just found your site (since you found mine, WooT) so I gotta play catch up w/ your posts a bit.

    • December 2, 2009 at 3:24 pm

      Personal goals play a bit part in the big picture of our lives too. Plus, our blogging friends get to learn a little bit more about who we are too.

      You have a great site. I am playing catch up with yours too. LOL

  7. December 4, 2009 at 6:07 pm

    So close, so very close. I bet you will lose that last pound right away.

    I know what you mean on the water. Sometimes I have no trouble at all with it. Other times I just don’t want that much liquid.

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