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marathon week challenge

Earlier this week, I ran across 265 and falling. Steve there, started a challenge on daily burn, the Marathon week challenge where, from Dec 2 — Dec 9, you try to log in 26.2 miles of running or walking, the same distance as a full marathon.

I decided to join and give it a try.

Here are my miles so far:

  • Wed Dec 2 — 5.84 miles walked
  • Thurs Dec 3 — 3.44 miles run ( it was my week 8, day 2, of C25K run which I did here. Go me!)

It is fun to challenge myself to see if I can do 26.2 miles in a week. I really have to say koodos to those that can run a full marathon at once. It is tough to do those miles even with breaking them up over a week. I haven’t decided yet today whether I will have another run or have a walk for the challenge miles. We’ll see how I feel as the day progresses.

Thanks to all of you who come up with these wonderful challenges. They are a great help in keeping me motivated. I have goals to aim for and friends to be accountable too. Keeps me interested and they are fun! 🙂

Looking back to when I had started C25K, I am amazed at how far I have come. And I have to admit that I am proud of myself. 🙂  Back then, at the beginning, I was sure it would kill me first, that there was no way I would make it. It was torturous to run just those 60 seconds. But I kept at it. And before I knew it, I was here! at week 8 and surviving, and loving it! I never once, at the start, thought I would ever want to run in a 5 k race or participate in a duathlon. But seeing the progress my blogging friends were making and turning themselves from couch potatoes to athletes was very encouraging and motivating. Now I have goals that never in a million years I would have striven for if not for my blogging friends and C25K.

Categories: C25K, challenge, running
  1. December 4, 2009 at 3:57 pm

    I am so happy for you Karyn! I am proud of you too. You aren’t just surviving at week 8, you are kicking butt and taking names! Like you, I never would have thought I’d even be INTERESTED in a 5k let alone be training for one. I think it’s incredible that there are so many great people around to inspire and motivate (like you do for me!)…and whoever came up with the c25k deserves an award! literally!

    I saw that marathon challenge as well – My pace is so slow it would require over 10 hours for me to walk a marathon and I have such a busy week ahead that I wasn’t sure I could commit to that. I didn’t want to join a challenge that I knew right from the start my chances were so slim at keeping. But hey, look at how many miles you have already….and there’s only TWO days gone! WOW!!! You are right, go you!

  2. December 4, 2009 at 9:05 pm

    I love that marathon challenge idea! How wonderful. I’m so slow at running though. I just walk super fast most of the time, but I do a couple of 5K’s a year just so I can say I did them. Training for something is a great way to stay motivated.

  3. Ron
    December 5, 2009 at 8:39 am

    Good job on the walk and the run!

  4. December 5, 2009 at 2:04 pm

    Good job on the challenge! You are doing great! 🙂

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