Where has the time gone?

I can’t believe it has been over a week since I was here last. The time has just been flying by!

Everything has been good this week with me. I did have a day or two where I was having a tough time dealing with the loss of my dad. My hubby finally told my trainer that I have a huge amount of built up anger brewing inside that my trainer is managing to get beat out of my with every workout. So when I went in one day last week in a really pissy, angry mood, and my hubby told my trainer why, he worked it out of me real good! πŸ™‚ I went home in SO much of a better mood and my depression was gone. He ( my trainer) really has turned out to be invaluable. We have been with our trainer for 4 weeks now and really do see a difference in our bodies. As well as our stamina , intensity and moods.

This next week is my week off of work and it will be a full week since my coworker is now back to work from her injury. So I can spend some time focusing on my cardio which I haven’t been having quite enough time to get enough in each day due to time restraints at the gym. That is all good though as it will be a shocker to my body again to up my cardio! πŸ™‚ This week hubby and I are on our own at the gym because our trainer has to go out of town for the week. But, he was so kind as to make sure that we have a schedule of what to do while he is gone. What a guy! πŸ˜‰

The weather here has been really cool and we are actually expecting some snow in the middle of the week. Can you believe it? May and snow! Yikes! We need the moisture here badly after last year of draught but, I would like to get started on my garden without having to shovel first! LOL I am looking forward to my garden this year for all the fresh produce right at my finger tips. Yum. I really missed having my garden last year.

Sorry for the boring post. Had to get up more than not while writing it so totally lost my train of thought about what I was going to write. Hopefully tomorrows will be better, eh?

Heading out now to get caught up on a weeks worth of posts from all you guys! I will be busy for a while! LOL I was actually getting laptop withdrawal! πŸ˜‰

  1. May 2, 2010 at 2:20 pm

    SNOW??? I am so glad that is you, not me. πŸ™‚ I hope Spring arrives soon for you.

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